He also developed the idea that in future there should be a neutral organization to provide care to wounded soldiers distributed to the book many leading political and military figures in Europe. Henry Dunant also began traveling through Europe to promote the ideas nya.His book very positively received, and the President of the Geneva Society for Public Welfare.
Then the five-person committee was formed to pursue the possibility of their implementation and Dunant created one of the members. The other is Moynier, the Swiss army general Henri Dufour, Louis Appia and doctors and Theodore Maunoir. Their first meeting on February 17, 1863 is now considered established on the International Committee of the Red Cross. From the beginning, Moynier and Dunant has increased conflicts and disagreements about their respective visions and ideas Dunant rencana.Moynier regard to establishing neutrality for the protection and maintenance of cellular implausible Dunant advised not to insist on the concept.
However, Henry Dunant continued to advocate this position in the travel and conversations with high-ranking political and military figures. This intense personal conflict between Moynier, who took a more pragmatic approach to the project, and Dunant which is the idealistic vision among the five, and led by Moynier to attempt to attack Dunant and bid for leadership.
In October 1863, 14 countries took part in a meeting in Geneva organized by the committee to discuss the improvement of care for wounded soldiers. Dunant himself, but, just because the protocol Moynier leader of an effort to reduce its role. A year later, a Diplomatic Conference organized by the Swiss Parliament led to the signing of the first Geneva Convention by 12 countries.
Among several other awards in subsequent years, in 1903 Henry Dunant was awarded an honorary doctorate by the medical faculty of the University of Heidelberg. He lived in a private hospital in Heiden until the end of his death. In the last years of his life, he suffered from depression and paranoid about being pursued by the creditors and Moynier.
In 1901, Jean Henry Dunant get a nobel for peace. On October 30, 1910 he died. He is known as the Father of the World Red Cross, so that each date of May 8th (his birthday) at commemorated as World Red Cross day
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